Here is the list of the official finalists of the contest :
*** MISS EUROPE 2011 ***
* Miss BELGIUM - Sylphia Constantine
* Miss DENMARK - Diamondgem Destiny
* Miss FRANCE - Elvira Pelazzi
* Miss GREECE - Calypso Oliphaunt
* Miss ICELAND - Nala Kurka
* Miss IRELAND - Linda Reddevil
* Miss ITALY - Federica Galtier
* Miss NETHERLANDS - Emlies Xeltentat
* Miss PORTUGAL - Angelik Slade
* Miss RUSSIA - Rusalka Callisto
* Miss SPAIN - Shena Neox
* Miss UNITED KINGDOM - SD Damiano
* Miss DENMARK - Diamondgem Destiny
* Miss FRANCE - Elvira Pelazzi
* Miss GREECE - Calypso Oliphaunt
* Miss ICELAND - Nala Kurka
* Miss IRELAND - Linda Reddevil
* Miss ITALY - Federica Galtier
* Miss NETHERLANDS - Emlies Xeltentat
* Miss PORTUGAL - Angelik Slade
* Miss RUSSIA - Rusalka Callisto
* Miss SPAIN - Shena Neox
* Miss UNITED KINGDOM - SD Damiano
*** MR. EUROPE 2011 ***
* Mr AUSTRIA - Phillip Dollinger
* Mr FINLAND - Zachary Zufreur
* Mr FRANCE - Ewan Crumb
* Mr GERMANY - Varadero Blackburn
* Mr GREECE - Barney Helendal
* Mr IRELAND - Liam Netizen
* Mr ITALY - Tristan Tiaret
* Mr MONACO - Josh Askari
* Mr NETHERLANDS - Vergilthird Resident
* Mr PORTUGAL - Pedrinho Naire
* Mr SPAIN - Kenshin Xevion
* Mr FINLAND - Zachary Zufreur
* Mr FRANCE - Ewan Crumb
* Mr GERMANY - Varadero Blackburn
* Mr GREECE - Barney Helendal
* Mr IRELAND - Liam Netizen
* Mr ITALY - Tristan Tiaret
* Mr MONACO - Josh Askari
* Mr NETHERLANDS - Vergilthird Resident
* Mr PORTUGAL - Pedrinho Naire
* Mr SPAIN - Kenshin Xevion
* Outrageous Glamour *
* Flag Store *
videographer: Tuliya Solo
* Egoisme *
* Champagne Sparkling Fashion (Mr. Europe candidates) *
* Gizza (Miss Europe candidates) *
* House Of Europe (Miss Europe candidates) *
* Sartoria (Mr. Europe candidates) *
**** PRIZES ****
*** MISS EUROPE 2011 ***
- Custom made outfit, featured with her name.
- Complete female collection, including new releases for one year
- Featured picture on main store for one year
* BeStyle Agency and BeStyle Magazine*
- Contract as Top Model of BeStyle Agency
- Feature on BeStyle magazine
* Finesmith *
- 2.500 lindens voucher to spend on Finesmith
* Gizza *
- 5000 lindens
* LovelyMi Make up *
- Complete make up Collection
- Portfolio with 5 pictures
* Maniera Magazine *
- Feature on Maniera magazine
* Moolto and More Magazine *
- Feature on Moolto
- Feature on More magazine
* Outrageous Glamour Agency *
- A contract as model of Outrageous Glamour Agency
* Passion Agency *
- A contract as model of Passion Agency
- 2.000 lindens
* Plume *
- 3 Fatpacks
* The BOSL *
- Feature on The Best of SL magazine
* White Widow *
- Gift Card
*** MR EUROPE 2011 ***
- Custom made outfit, featured with his name.
- Complete male collection, including new releases for one year
- Featured picture on main store for one year
* BeStyle Agency and BeStyle Magazine*
- Contract as Top Model of BeStyle Agency
- Feature on BeStyle magazine
* Finesmith *
- 2.500 lindens voucher to spend on Finesmith
* Gizza *
- 5000 lindens
* LovelyMi Make up *
- Portfolio with 5 pictures
* Maniera Magazine *
- Feature on Maniera magazine
* Moolto and More Magazine *
- Feature on Moolto
- Feature on More magazine
* Outrageous Glamour Agency *
- A contract as model of Outrageous Glamour Agency
* Passion Agency *
- A contract as model of Passion Agency
- 2.000 lindens
* The BOSL *
- Feature on The Best of SL magazine
* White Widow *
- Gift Card
*** MISS EUROPE 2011 (Runner up)***
- 6 k voucher to spend in House of Europe
- Face of one future release
The runner up will replace the Miss Europe in case she can't complete her reign
* Finesmith *
- 1.000 lindens voucher to spend on Finesmith
* Passion Agency *
- 1.000 lindens
* Plume *
- 2 Fatpacks
*** MR EUROPE 2011 (Runner up)***
- 6 k voucher to spend in House of Europe
- Face of one future release
The runner up will replace the Mr. Europe in case he can't complete his reign
* Finesmith *
- 1.000 lindens voucher to spend on Finesmith
* Passion Agency *
- 1.000 lindens
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